Abstract submissions for the LLLP conference have now closed.
Closing date for abstract submission has been extended by one week, to Friday 15 November 2024 (11.59pm AEDT). As a courtesy for international submissions with a time difference, we will leave the portal open for 24 hours post-deadline.
We invite you to submit an abstract for consideration for inclusion in the 2025 conference program. Your abstract should align with one of the main themes of the conference. Abstracts may be presented as either a workshop, small group session, oral communication or poster. The conference will be conducted in English.
Accepted submissions for orals and posters will be included in a volume of the Pharmacy Education Journal. Submissions that do not meet the abstract format and submission guidelines may not be eligible for inclusion.
You are welcome to submit multiple presentations for consideration.
All abstract submissions will be acknowledged on receipt by email.
Abstracts will be reviewed after the closing date and you will be advised of the status of your abstract on Friday 13 December 2024.
All accepted presenters are responsible for their own registration fees, travel and accommodation and must register and pay the appropriate fee by Monday 20 January 2025. If registration is not completed by this date, the organising committee reserve the right to remove the presentation from the program.
Instructions to authors and abstract formatting guidelines
Please ensure that you read the instructions below prior to submission and have prepared your abstract accordingly.
Workshop sessions: These sessions are 90 minutes in length. Workshops must be practical and interactive and include opportunities for active learning and interaction between participants. It is recommended that a 90-minute workshop include about 30 to 40 minutes of content and 40 to 50 minutes of active learning.
In addition to the standard abstract, workshop submissions must include:
Learning outcomes – Please provide the participant learning outcomes anticipated by the conclusion of the session (minimum of two and a maximum of four – max 20 words per outcome).
Format of activities – Workshops and small group sessions must be practical and interactive. Please advise how you will cater to this (e.g., discussions, Q&A, polls, small group work etc); max 50. words.
Self-assessment questions – Please provide a maximum of three self-assessment questions.
Small group (concurrent) sessions: These sessions are 45 minutes in length. Sessions must include opportunity for discussion, which can be in any format that allows this, e.g. question and answer period, a speaker panel discussion/debate, live polls asking participants to contribute their experience, “buzz” groups (2-3 minute discussions on an issue in small groups of 2-3 people), etc. These are just examples and proposers are encouraged to consider other innovative ideas to engender discussion and interaction. It is recommended that the 45-minute session include about 25 to 30 minutes of content and 15 to 20 minutes for interaction with/among participants.
In addition to the standard abstract, small group submissions must include:
Learning outcomes – Please provide the participant learning outcomes anticipated by the conclusion of the session (minimum of two and a maximum of four – max 20 words per outcome).
Format of activities – Workshops and small group sessions must be practical and interactive. Please advise how you will cater to this (e.g., discussions, Q&A, polls, small group work etc); max 50. words.
Self-assessment questions – Please provide a maximum of three self-assessment questions.
Oral communications – project/research sessions: These presentations are allocated 15 minutes in length. There will be 10 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for questions from the participants.
Poster sessions: Each poster will be allocated to one day of the conference program and need to be viewable for that full day only. All posters presentations will occur in a parallel stream to the oral presentations/small group discussions/workshops. In these poster sessions, posters discussing similar themes will be grouped, and presenters requested to outline their poster content in 2 minutes standing next to their poster.
Posters should be A0 size in a Portrait style. Standard ISO A0 paper dimensions are 841mm x 1189mm (or 33.1 ×46.8inches). Posters may be laminated or not, according to your preference.
Please ensure you have compiled all the below information to complete your abstract submission.
Abstract content and questions asked during the submission process:
- Abstract title of up to 20 words
- Abstract in plain text only, between 250 and 300 words
- All author details, including organisation, job title, country and email address
- Lead presenter’s 150 word biographical paragraph
- Permission to submit: Confirmation is required that the Authors have obtained all necessary permissions that may pertain to the abstracts submitted.
- Conflict of interest: The Authors must disclose all/any potential and actual conflicts of interest contained within the manuscript. Where there is no potential or actual conflict of interest, this does not have to be stated, but this remains the Author’s responsibility.
- Approval for use of human subjects: Where human subjects have been used, details of approval obtained from the appropriate research or ethics review committee are included. If exempt from such approval, this should be clearly stated.
- Consent to publish: Have all authors for orals and posters agreed for this abstract to be published in the Pharmacy Education Journal. Please answer yes or no.
For workshop and small group submission only, this additional information is required:
Learning outcomes – Please provide the participant learning outcomes anticipated by the conclusion of the session (minimum of two and a maximum of four – max 20 words per outcome).
Format of activities – Workshops and small group sessions must be practical and interactive. Please advise how you will cater to this (e.g., discussions, Q&A, polls, small group work etc); max 50. words.
Self-assessment questions – Please provide a maximum of three self-assessment questions.
Abstract format:
- Abstract text must follow the below headings and format:
Introduction: insert text
Methods: insert text
Results: insert text
Conclusion: insert text - Abstracts do not usually contain references, figures, tables and appendices.
- The text should be written in British English in the third person and be scholarly, readable, clear, and concise.
- Standard/accepted nomenclature should be used.
- Unfamiliar terms and acronyms should be defined at first mention. Kindly explain the abbreviations at the first instance; the subsequent ones can be without their explanations.
- All text should be entered in sentence case (do not type in CAPITAL LETTERS).
- Abstracts should be thoroughly checked for spelling and grammar, and if successful, will be included in the conference app and, for orals and posters, the Pharmacy Education Journal.
Abstract submissions for the LLLP 2025 conference have now closed.
Abstracts are now being reviewed and you will be advised of the status of your abstract on Tuesday 10 December 2024.
The goal for abstract peer review is to assure program quality and that all presentations at the LLLP International Conference are education based, align with the stated themes and subthemes and are relevant to the international audience.
Each abstract is reviewed using a standardised evaluation form. This will enable the committee to stratify submissions and determine a cut-off for rejection in a consistent way.
The abstract review process is conducted as a ‘blind’ review, meaning that the reviewer does not have access to the author’s name and affiliations.
The review evaluation form is based on the following components using a 5-point rating:
- How relevant and well described are the: background and objectives for an oral/poster OR proposed learning outcomes if a workshop/small group proposal?
- How descriptive and appropriate is the: methodology for an oral/poster OR content for workshop/small group proposal? Are they well described?
- How clear and appropriate are the: results if an oral/poster OR format of activities if a workshop/small group proposal?
- How relevant and engaging is the: discussion if an oral/poster OR interactivity if a workshop/small group proposal?
- How topical and innovative is the submission?
While every effort is made to respect the author’s preferred presentation format, the reviewers may decide an alternative format is more appropriate, based on abstract content and/or program schedule. In this case, the Education Committee Chair will seek agreement from the lead author.